How to change your Lyrical Host Hub account login email address

This article explains how to change the login email address for your Lyrical Host Hub account.

Important note: If you are not the account holder or owner of the website/domain name (e.g. you're a web designer, virtual assistant, SEO, marketing agency, or similar entity acting on behalf of your client), please do not follow the steps in this article to update the login email address. Instead, add yourself (or have your client add you) as a sub-user for their account.

Please note that following the steps below only changes the login email address for your Hub account at It does not change the email address that your critical invoice and billing notifications go to; to update your contact email address for those, follow the steps in this article: How to update your Lyrical Host account contact details.

It also does not change the login details for your mailboxes/email addresses, LyricalCP ( or your WordPress website, all of which can be done from within those areas (please create a support ticket with our team if you need more specifics).


To change your Hub account login email address:

  1. Head here: 
  2. In the Email Address field, enter the email address you want to update your login email address to.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Save Changes” button.
  4. Wait for the page to refresh and the green message that indicates your changes have been saved successfully.
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