Transfer Your Domain To Us

Transfer your domain name to us and never worry about price hikes on renewal. We keep it simple with a fixed price every time.

Things you need to know first:

  1. If you've booked/are booking a website migration with us, please don't transfer your domain just yet. Our support team handles this after they've moved your website to minimize the risk of downtime. Instead of carrying on with this page, please follow the three steps on our Moving In page.
  2. If you have a domain name with another provider but want to build a new site on our hosting, please don't transfer your domain just yet. Instead, please contact our support team and they'll explain how to get started.

If neither of the above apply to your situation and you want to transfer now, please note:

  1. Transferring a domain name can take up to 7 days, regardless of where it's come from or going. Please don't initiate a domain transfer if your domain is due to expire in 7 days or less; instead you'll want to renew it with your current provider. You can always transfer it at a later date.
  2. Domains first registered less than 60 days ago can't be transferred to any provider.
  3. You don't need to transfer a domain name to us to be able to use it, even if it's less than 60 days old. We can link it up to your hosting with us so it works as normal; just contact our support team. (Please note that Wix is the exception to this rule; if your domain is registered through Wix, you'll need to transfer it away to use it anywhere else).
  4. Transferring your domain has a one-time fixed transfer cost, which includes extending the renewal date of your domain by a year. Beyond that, your domain is renewed as normal on a yearly basis unless you say otherwise.

If you still want to transfer your domain, you'll need to unlock it at your current provider before you start this process.

We'll help you so you don't have to worry about making the domain transfer alone. If you need help at any time, just message us at or, or email

Important: Please read the text above before intiating your domain transfer using the form below

Please note, restrictions may apply to certain recently registered/renewed domains. Please contact if you need more information.
Here's our step-by-step guide to transferring domain names to us.