General payment information

Please note that payment is taken automatically, in line with your billing cycle. If you’d like to change the date payment is taken, or switch to a different billing cycle, you can do this any time by raising a ticket.

You can also add funds to your Lyrical Host account any time you like. Credit added to your account this way is taken first, before any other money owed. So for example, if you’re due to pay us $11.99 for your hosting and you’ve added $5 to your account funds, our system will automatically take the $5 funds and then $6.99 from your debit or credit card. If you sign up as an affiliate, you can choose to redeem your earnings as credit for a 10% bonus.

You’ll get an invoice email a few days before payment is due to let you know it’s going to happen soon, and then when your payment becomes due, our system will bill you automatically. If, for any reason, this fails and additional attempts fail (e.g. because you changed your address, got a new card, your bank went nuts on security, or you simply don’t have the available funds), you’ll get a series of reminder emails about payment. If we don’t hear from you at all in any way 15 days after your payment is late, your website access will be suspended by our system. If we still don’t hear from you after that, we’ll send reminders and a text message follow up in case you aren’t getting our emails/messages for some reason. Please note that removing your payment method or ignoring invoice emails does not constitute canceling your services.

If you’re unable to make a payment for any reason at all, please let us know as soon as possible. We’re not mean, we don’t judge, and we understand that life happens, we just need to know what’s going on. We’re always happy to extend payment dates and stop our system automatically suspending your services for non-payment if you make us aware you need extra time.

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