Once you've created your email account, you can set up email in Apple Mail by following these steps:
1. Open Apple Mail
2. If you have already set up an account in Apple Mail, click Mail > Add Account in the menu. If you are using Apple Mail for the first time, you can skip this step
3. In the Mail account provider window, choose the option Other Mail Account and click Continue
4. Enter your name, Lyrical Host email address, and e-mail password
5. Click Sign In
6. Enter your e-mail address in the User Name box
7. Choose your desired account type. You can choose between the IMAP and POP account types. We recommend using the default setting - IMAP. If you have chosen IMAP as the account type, enter imap.yourdomainnamegoeshere.com (e.g. imap.lyricalhost.com) in the Incoming Mail Server box. If you have chosen the POP3 account type, enter pop3.youerdomaingoeshere.com (e.g. pop3.lyricalhost.com) in the Incoming Mail Server box
8. Enter smtp.yourdomaingoeshere.com in the Outgoing Mail Server box
9. The username and password for both the incoming and outgoing server would be your full email address, and your email password, and despite what Apple Mail might say, they are not optional for the outgoing server
10. Click Sign In