How to move your domain away from Lyrical Host

If you want to move a domain name away from Lyrical Host to another registrar, you can do this by following these steps:

  1. Log into with your normal login details. If you have not logged into LyricalCP before then you can find the instructions for logging in for the first time here:

  2. Scroll down to "Domain Names" and click "Manage" next to the domain you want to move away.

  3. Click the "Transfer Away" icon.

  4. If it's a UK domain, you'll be prompted to enter the IPS tag for the new registrar. If the domain is another extension, such as .com, the domain will be locked by default. To unlock it, uncheck the box. A pop up notification will confirm the domain has been unlocked, and an authorisation code will be created.

  5. Copy your auth code and when prompted, paste it into the checkout of your new registrar.

  6. Your domain name will begin to transfer. Domain name transfers can take up to 7 days to complete. Check with your new registrar to confirm when the transfer has completed.
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