To transfer a non .uk domain:
- Log in to your Cloudflare account
- Select Domain Registration, then Manage Domains
- Select “Manage” next to the domain you wish to transfer
- Select “Configuration” then “Unlock”
- Select “Confirm & Unlock”
- Copy the Authorisation code generated, then visit and enter your Domain and Authorisation Code
- This will charge you the equivalent of one year's renewal of the domain, as we have to renew the domain during transfer. Don't worry - you will just get one extra year on top of the expiry date, you won't lose any time you already have left on the domain.
- Allow the domain transfer to complete - This can take between 5-7 working days, make sure to regularly monitor your emails as any information or update regarding the transfer will be sent to the administrative contact email address.
To transfer a .uk domain
- Log in to your Cloudflare account
- Select Domain Registration, then Manage Domains
- Select “Manage” next to the domain you wish to transfer
- Select “Configuration” then “Unlock”
- Enter the IPS Tag STACK
- Visit
- Enter your domain to begin the transfer (You don’t need an EPP Key for .uk domains)
- Your domain transfer will occur in the next 24 hours - You’ll be charged the equivalent of one year’s renewal of the domain as we’ll need to do so during transfer, but don’t worry! You’ll get the extra year on top of the expiry date, and you won’t lose any time left on the domain.